National Police Remembrance Day
NPRD - 29 September
Each year on the 29 September, policing jurisdictions across Australia celebrate National Police Remembrance Day (NPRD). This is a solemn day of remembrance for police officers and their families to remember those members who have been killed in the line of duty. CSP actively supports the Queensland Police Service and attends many of the commemorative services across Queensland including those at the Queensland Police Memorial in Brisbane.
annual NPRD Wall to Wall motorcycle ride
The ride attracts riders and followers from across Australia. The riders time their arrival into the NSW city of Goulburn and as a united team of riders proceed onto the National Police Memorial in Canberra. This event is a unique policing event and is supported by many members of the Queensland Police Service and CSP members.
annual Blue Ribbon fundraising
CSP, the Queensland Police Service, and Queensland Police Legacy support the annual Blue Ribbon fundraising initiative across Queensland. CSP has actively supported this initiative by each year purchasing a large quantity of blue and white checked fabric commemorative ribbons. These ribbons are distributed to police stations and government establishments prior to NPRD. Ribbons are not sold but donations are regularly given by the community to assist families of officers who may have died or been killed in the line of duty over the past year.
The Blue Ribbon Committee shares one third of donations received each year with a worthy Queensland charity. This is another example of CSP interacting with community groups to share the CSP message.
make a donation to csp
Please use the following button to send us a Donation via PayPal for any amount.
EDIT FOR PAYPAL BUTTON - plugin used on other site Possibly PayPal provide direct code

Community Supporting Police Inc.
Helping Hand Fund
.In 2006, following the devastating impact on north Queensland caused by Tropical Cyclone Larry, a number of CSP members and senior members of the Queensland Police Service founded the CSP Helping Hand Fund. This fund is registered with the ACNC and offers tax deductibility status for any QPS member making regular payroll deductions.
The Helping Hand Fund aims to render aid and assistance to members of the Queensland Police Service and their immediate families who are faced with serious, terminal or life-threatening events.
A give now Community fundraising button is provided below for any person wishing to assist this fund.
Any QPS member wishing to contact the CSP Helping Hand Fund should email or their local Chaplain or Human Services Officer.

CSP Welfare Housing
The QPS together with CSP provide nine (8) emergency facilities throughout Qld. for members of the QPS family. The accommodation is available in times of emergency, including medical, bereavement, recuperation and other family crisis. These facilities remain the property of the QPS.
Regional HSO Personnel and the Police Chaplaincy Service are responsible for allocating members into this accommodation. Alternative accommodation can be arranged through the Police Chaplaincy Service if the emergency accommodation is full.
CSP supplies all furnishing, fitting, linen, white goods, kitchen equipment and regularly cleaned and ensures all Utility Accounts are paid.
As CSP is a voluntary organisation, donations from members of the police family and the community are welcome and appreciated.
CSP working in conjunction with the Police Chaplaincy ensure all facilities are maintained to a high level. Members using these facilities are encouraged to report all faults and maintenance issues through the Police Chaplaincy Service.
It is evident the use of emergency accommodation requires constant fundraising and support by members of the QPS family and the community. CSP conducts a number of fund raising initiatives to support the emergency accommodation.
Money can be raised through payroll deductions, any donations are appreciated.
CSP Accommodation in Brisbane
Community Supporting Police provide emergency accommodation for Police and their families. All residences have been made available by the Queensland Police Service to provide emergency accommodation to police and their immediate families in times of crisis and trauma.
Currently, CSP manages four units, 2 at Bowen Hills, Woolloongabba, Annerley and Toowong.
Community fund-raising is central to the success of the CSP, and community support is available in many ways.
Funds raised by the organisation help to maintain these facilities.
The occupancy rate for all emergency accommodation is quite high, over 80% all year round, which reflects the ongoing need for such facilities across the State.
CSP Accommodation outside of Brisbane
Facilities are also located in Toowoomba, Townsville, Rockhampton, and Cairns, which are managed through the local Branch of CSP.
CSP branches
The Secretary
P.O. Box 209
Strathpine Center Qld. 4500
Ph: 0409 615 253
The Secretary
P.O. Box 1161
Rockhampton Qld. 4700
Ph: 0497 737 758
The Secretary
P.O. Box 2300
Cairns Qld. 4870
Ph: 0407 761 950
The Secretary
P.O. Box 126
Belgian Gardens Qld. 4810
Ph: 0477 365 687
The Secretary
P.O. Box 144
Toowoomba Qld. 4350
Ph: 0417 213 021
Refer to Far
Northern Region
Cairns details

Senior Constable
Senior Constable Clancy is a lovable Koala Mascot. Clancy was sworn into the Queensland Police Service on 30 January 1996 and was promoted to the rank of Senior Constable on 26 February 2011. The mascot is non speaking and is available to the public while accompanied by a police officer. Senior Constable Clancy is used as a educational and promotional tool.
Clancy is a roving ambassador for CSP and the Queensland Police Service.
Four Senior Constable Clancy outfits are available for use. Two remain in Brisbane, one is located in Townsville and one in Rockhampton.
Clancy’s services can be obtained by contacting your Regional Crime Prevention Co-ordinator.
CSP Police Headquarters
Christmas Stall

The Secretary
CSP Inc.
PO Box 209
Strathpine Center QLD 4500
+61 409 615 253